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来源:中国银屑病大会    日期:2020-11-12    浏览:2261

Press Release: the Fourth Chinese Psoriasis Conference and “World Psoriasis Day” Memorial Event and “Dandelion psoriasis education public welfare activity and Psoriasis patients online consultation and volunteer activity” were successfully held in Hefei

Contributor: Liangdan Sun

Reviewer: Xuejun Zhang

(Email: ayzxj@vip.sina.com)

        Oct. 29, 2020 is the 17th World Psoriasis Day. To promote the development of psoriasis prevention and treatment in China and improve the life quality of psoriasis patients, the 4th Chinese Psoriasis Conference was successfully held in Hefei, Anhui, which was co-sponsored by the Psoriasis Committee of Dermatology and Venereology branch of Chinese Medical Association, Anhui Health Service Industry Association and Institute of Dermatology of Anhui Medical University; undertaken by the First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University, Institute of Dermatology of Fudan University, Huashan Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University, International Psoriasis Council (IPC), China-Japan Friendship Hospital, Institute of Dermatology, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Medical Association of Skin Department of Venereology in Anhui Province, Coadjutant Website for Psoriasis Patients, Anhui Ferry Dermatological Institute and Hainan Boao Super Hospital Dermatology Center; and jointly organized by the Dermatology branch of Chinese Medicine Association, Dermatology and Venereal disease special committee of Chinese Preventive Medicine Association, Dermatology and Cosmetology branch of China Association of rehabilitation medicine, Dermatology and Dermatology Cosmetology branch of China Medical Equipment Association, Dermatology branch of China Association for promotion of international exchange of medical and health care, and Skin health industry transformation Committee of China Association for promotion of rehabilitation technology transformation and development.

        The conference were divided into three themes, which are the opening of the 4th Chinese Psoriasis Conference, the basic research and clinical diagnosis and treatment of psoriasis on Oct. 23-24, and “World Psoriasis Day” Memorial Event and “Hundreds of Chinese Dermatologists and Thousands of Psoriasis Patients Video Broadcast Public Service Event” on Oct. 29. Mr. Bing Zhou, Editor-in-Chief of Health News; Mr. Jin Yang, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of People's Health Publishing House; Prof. Xuejun Zhang, Chairman of the Psoriasis Committee of the Chinese Medical Association Dermatology Branch; Prof. Jie Zheng, former chairman of the Chinese Medical Association Dermatology Branch; Prof. Gang Wang, Vice Chairman of the Chinese Medical Association Dermatology Branch; Prof. Jinhua Xu, Vice Chairman of the Chinese Medical Association Dermatology Branch; Prof. Xiang Chen, Vice President of Central South University; Prof. Yong Cui, Vice President of China-Japan Friendship Hospital, and Mr. Xingxiang Shi, the initiator of the Psoriasis Mutual Support Forum, participated in the opening ceremony of this congress, and more than 500 dermatology experts and scholars from home and abroad, as well as a number of well-known enterprises and media attended the conference. The opening ceremony of the congress was simultaneously broadcast live, with more than 100,000 viewers of the online live broadcast and online cloud photo album, and nearly 300 psoriasis clinics nationwide broadcasted the live event video.


Mr. Bing Zhou


Mr. Jin Yang


Prof. Xuejun Zhang


Mr. Xingxiang Shi

        The main theme of the conference was “Popular science education and Health management of psoriasis”. After the awarding ceremony, the conference entered into the keynote session, where a number of well-known domestic experts presented a splendid academic feast for everyone from multiple angles and directions, including the pathogenesis of psoriasis, biotherapy and treatment selection of psoriasis, and the treatment of special psoriasis with the intent of promoting the coordinated development of basic research and clinical diagnosis of psoriasis. On the occasion of the 17th World Psoriasis Day, following the successful outcome of the first three China Psoriasis Congresses, this Congress is convened to build a better blueprint for a healthy China, to continue to accelerate the standardization of psoriasis diagnosis and treatment in China, and to promote the development and progress of psoriasis prevention, diagnosis and treatment. It is believed that under the promotion of this psoriasis conference, it will further promote the rapid development of basic scientific research and clinical prevention, diagnosis and treatment of psoriasis in China, enhance the care of people from all walks of life for psoriasis patients, and benefit millions of psoriasis patients in China!


The opening ceremony


Group photo


        On the occasion of the 4th China psoriasis Congress, the Psoriasis day week activity is also in order, and the psoriasis academic conference and doctor-patient humanities forum were held on October 21 and October 25, respectively, with the support of kylin (China) Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. and Beijing Novartis Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

        The first academic activity with the theme of "Try best to make life beautiful" was held as scheduled on the afternoon of October 21. The meeting was supported by kylin (China) Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. of Xiehe fermentation Co., Ltd., and the whole process was live broadcast with the small program of "medical treatment and our bank". The meeting was divided into two halves, which were presided over by Professor Chunlei Zhang of the Third Hospital of Peking University and Professor Hongzhong Jin of Peking Union Medical College Hospital. Associate Professor Yujun Sheng from the First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University, Professor Zhimiao Lin from the First Affiliated Hospital of Peking University, Professor Yi Zhao of Changgeng Hospital of Tsinghua University, Professor Qing Sun of Qilu Hospital of Shandong University, Professor Yuzhen Li of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University and Professor Songmei Geng of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University respectively introduced new target of psoriasis treatment, the value of biological agents on patients, the long-term treatment of psoriasis and the safety of biological agents.

        On October 25, the second activity of "world psoriasis day week" was successfully held in the WeChat app of "Yi Woxing". It provides a valuable opportunity for doctors and patients to build mutual trust and jointly promote the improvement of psoriasis management level in China in the new era. Novartis (China) strongly supported the event. At the meeting, Professor Liangdan Sun and Professor Aihua Wei of Beijing Tongren Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University shared with participants the choice of psoriasis treatment in a new era, big data of biological agents for psoriasis treatment, and put forward unique opinions on the rational application of biological agents for psoriasis. Representatives of dermatologists from all over the country shared unforgettable stories of psoriasis diagnosis and treatment. After sharing the status of patients, "how to work together" has become the focus of the conference. Under the chairmanship of Professor Xichuan Yang of Southwest Hospital of Army Medical University, Professor Xin Guan of the Third Hospital of Peking University, Mr. Xingxiang Shi, vice chairman of China psoriasis Congress and person in charge of psoriasis patients mutual aid network, and Mr. Luguang Wang, director of Niuba new media platform, expressed their own opinions and expounded their understanding and ideas on "patient support". At the end of the conference, Professor Xichuan Yang concluded: "The new era brings both opportunities and challenges. Today is just the beginning, and we look forward to more opportunities for the government, doctors, patients, family members and even enterprises to participate in the process of equal exchange and sincere dialogue, so as to seek a healthy future for psoriasis patients in China". Professor Xuejun Zhang said that communication and trust between doctors and patients is very important, especially in the present day when new ideas and technologies are emerging. This time, we try to open the offline dialogue way, and integrate more patients' voices into the dialogue, and all parties have a wide range of words. In the future, we will also explore more effective mechanisms to enhance the exchange between doctors and patients and to plan the future together.


Group photo 


Topic discussion


        Oct. 29, 2020 is the 17th Word Psoriasis Day. On this day, the “World Psoriasis Day” Memorial Event, "Dandelion psoriasis education public welfare activity", and “Chinese dermatology hundred psoriasis experts online and offline science free clinic public welfare activities”, co-sponsored by the Psoriasis Committee of Dermatology and Venereology branch of Chinese Medical Association and Anhui Health Service Industry Association, was successfully held in Hefei, Anhui. Professor Xuejun Zhang, Member of International Psoriasis Council, Honorary chairman of Psoriasis Committee of Dermatology and Venereology branch of Chinese Medical Association, and Director of Psoriasis professional committee. Professor Chengzhi Lv, Vice president of Dalian Dermatology Hospital, Professor Liangdan Sun, Director of Scientific Research Department, the First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University, Professor Zaixing Wang, Director of dermatology, The First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University, Mr. Xingxiang Shi, represent patients, Mr. Fangyue Pan, Mr. Jianxin Wang and Mrs. Yan Wen represent enterprises, and more than one hundred psoriasis experts and one thousand patients from all over the country participated in this activity together.

        The opening ceremony of the conference was chaired by Professor Liangdan Sun of the First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University. The public welfare micro film "colorful life" expressed the biologics brought new hope to patients with psoriasis. Professor Xuejun Zhang expressed warm welcome and heartfelt thanks to the colleagues from all walks of life, and introduced the development status of psoriasis. The prevalence rate of psoriasis publicized by various countries is 0.09-11.43% and in two large-scale investigations about psoriasis epidemic disease, carried out by our country, the prevalence rate was 0.123 % in 1984 and 0. 47% in 2008, showed an obvious rising trend. Even though psoriasis has an obvious phenomenon of family aggregation. Professor Zhang gave systematic and careful explanation from the burden of psoriasis disease, the influence on patients’ life, the improvement in nursing quality for patients as well as the roles of government, professional personnel in the health system, patients’ organizations and non-governmental groups, and advocated the industry and academic circles to jointly promote the popularization and application of innovative psoriasis technology.



Psoriasis free diagnosis activities online


        Under the chair of Professor Chengzhi Lv, vice president of Dalian Dermatology Hospital, Ms. Fangyue Pan, director of Beijing Novartis Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Mr. Jianxin Wang, director of Xi'an YANGSEN Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., and Ms. Yan Wen, director of Lilly (Shanghai) Management Co., Ltd., respectively made speeches on behalf of the enterprise group, pointing out that doctors, patients and enterprises are inseparable, and only by mutual linkage can they create greater value for the society and solve more common problems. Professor Zaixing Wang, Director of dermatology department of the first affiliated hospital of Anhui Medical University, delivered a speech on behalf of the doctors. He pointed out that psoriasis is a complex chronic disease. As a dermatologist, he should not only treat patients, but also educate and guide patients how to manage the disease scientifically. On behalf of patients Mr. Xingxiang Shi, the initiator of Psoriasis Mutual Help Forum, stressed that the majority of psoriasis patients need to establish a good mentality and work with medical staff to overcome psoriasis.

        The Chinese dermatology hundred psoriasis experts online and offline science free clinic public welfare activities in this year consists of two parts, that is, the online remote free diagnosis for more than 100 dermatological psoriasis experts from the third grade and class-A hospitals in China and more than 1,000 psoriasis patients and the offline free diagnosis for psoriasis experts and patients in more than 200 hospitals. During the activities, experts answered the questions of patients one by one, carried out health science education, and conducted remote and on-site diagnosis and treatment, which promoted patients' correct cognition of the disease, solved their doubts, and also enabled many patients with psoriasis to get professional diagnosis and treatment. The majority of patients with psoriasis said that they benefited a lot from this public wefare activity, acquired a lot of the latest science knowledge of psoriasis, and enhanced their confidence in conquering the disease. They are looking forward to participating in this public welfare activity again. It is reported that the Fifth Chinese Psoriasis Conference will continue to be held in Hefei, Anhui from October 28 to 30, 2021. Welcome to join us!




 Psoriasis free diagnosis activities offline



《Guidelines for Diagnosis and Treatment of Pediatric Psoriasis in China, the First Edition》 released at the 4th China Psoriasis Congress

        On the afternoon of October 24, 2020, the release and interpretation meeting of  "Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Pediatric Psoriasis in China, the First Edition" was successfully held at the Fengda International Hotel in Hefei, Anhui. On the afternoon of October 24, 2020, the release and interpretation meeting of  "Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Treatment of pediatric psoriasis in China, the First Edition" was successfully held at the Fengda International Hotel in Hefei, Anhui. The guideline writing was organized by the Psoriasis Specialty Committee, Children’s Special Committee of the Chinese Society of Dermatology and Venereology, which including 21 senior experts with authority and rich experience in basic research and clinical diagnosis and treatment of psoriasis from all over the country. It aims to formulate a practical, maneuverable, and Chinese-specific guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of pediatric psoriasis, to provide guidance and reference standards for Chinese dermatologists in the diagnosis and treatment of pediatric psoriasis, and also to standardize the diagnosis and treatment of pediatric psoriasis in China.


        The press conference was hosted by Professor Zhang Chun-lei, deputy leader of the Psoriasis Specialty Committee of Chinese Society of Dermatology and Venereology, Director of the Department of Dermatology in Third Hospital of Peking University.


        First, the member of the International Psoriasis Association (IPC), the Chinese Coordinator of the International Psoriasis Surveillance Program (GPA), the director of

Psoriasis Specialty Committee, Chinese Society of Dermatology and Venereology, organizer of the guidelines for the "Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Treatment of pediatric psoriasis in China, the First Edition", released and introduced the compilation and revision process of this guideline. Dr. Zhang pointed out that there is no standard treatment principles for the diagnosis and treatment of pediatric psoriasis in China, and the compilation of this guideline follows evidence-based medical principles, refer to foreign psoriasis diagnosis and treatment guidelines and also combined with the actual situation of psoriasis diagnosis and treatment in China, and formulate this guideline based on the characteristics of pediatric psoriasis. Moreever, the aim of this guideline is to establish the standards for the diagnosis and treatment of pediatric psoriasis in China and to provide guidance for the diagnosis and treatment for clinicians.


        Professor Zhang Xi-bao, consultant of Psoriasis Specialty Committee, Chinese Society of Dermatology and Venereology, and Secretary of “Guidelines for Diagnosis and Treatment of Pediatric Psoriasis in China, the First Edition”, pointed out that the treatment methods for psoriasis are limits and challengable.There is no standard treatment principles in China or abroad. Dr. Zhang had systematically introduced  application scope, writing method and content, guide structure, content introduction of this guidline. This guidline will be submitted and publication as soon as possible.


In addition to dermatologists from all over the country, representatives of patients with psoriasis support union attended the conference. It is hoped that the release and publication of this guideline will provide practical assistance and reference for the diagnosis and treatment of pediatric psoriasis in China. It will be benefit, promote the development of the prevention and treatment of pediatric psoriasis in China.


        The cooperative enterprises of the 4th Chinese Psoriasis Congress are listed below.



        Welcome to use WeChat to scan the QR code below into the small program of “Yi Woxing” to watch the playback of the conference!


        Welcome to use WeChat to scan the QR code below to watch the conference playback!


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